

Peer Mentor Support

All client led

We offer Peer Mentor Support to our clients. They are judgement free and understand that our clients may have complex needs which they are ready to assess and support every step of the way. Our mentor support can be done by giving us a call, contacting us online or sending us an email. 

Our Peer Mentors also show support during activities we offer just in case they need someone to talk to. We are available to meet our clients for coffee, lunch, walks or simply by giving us a call for a chat. Our Peer Mentors when you need a private and confidential chat. This could be morning, afternoon or nights. Our Peer Mentors are Enhanced DBS Checked, Safeguard trained and are competent to refer and signpost when needed.

If you're not located in Gloucestershire County, we can support you over the phone and via ZOOM. We can get you support in your area.

Peer Mentors act as advocates. They attend GP visits, Court proceedings for support, Family visits and more. As we work closely with Gloucester City Council's Domestic Abuse Housing with all districts, we can support you with your application process via Homeseekers and help you understand how the process works.

Our Peer Mentors have been trained:

- Domestic Abuse Housing Pathways

- HBV/ FGM/ Forced Marriage

- Domestic Abuse

- Mental Health Awareness

- Safeguarding Adults & Children

- Safety Planning

- Signposting 

- Obtaining Orders (restraining orders, protective orders, etc)

- Name Changing support 

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Wellbeing Programme

All client led

We offer various activities from creative to mental health & well being. We'll be hosting our activities and events online and at venues like Community Hubs and other Community Spaces to make them accessible to those who need it. Our sessions range from Yoga, Therapeutic Art, Drama, Art, Gardening, Neurological Support Crafts, Theatre, Photography and more. We are also looking to get our clients trained on different skills. If English isn't your first language, we're also looking to support by offering English learning to improve their reading, writing and spelling. 

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1-2-1 Booked Gateway Sessions (Accredited)

We offer 5 x 1-2-1 Booked Sessions with Peer Mentors who are trained to offer the Gateway Programme. This is an additional service provided for our clients. The sessions are covered over 10 weeks which gives time for the client to reflect during each sessions. We are the only organisation offering this programme. It's a great way for clients to open up about their abuse by using fictional characters. This means we don't have to speak about their experiences directly.  

Session 1 Myths and Facts

Creates a safe environment and begins the process of working together by identifying agreed guidelines for the sessions. A fictional family is developed consisting of parents and three children of different ages which serves as a lens through which to view controlling/abusive relationships assisting the learning process and safeguarding privacy of personal experiences. 

This session begins to develop an understanding of abuse within relationships by considering the definition and scale of domestic abuse followed by an exploration of attitudes/beliefs and myths which can support abuse within intimate relationships. Beliefs that surround equal relationships are considered to raise awareness and begin creating a shift away from minimisation and denial within controlling relationships.

Session 2 Cycle of Control 

Supports service users to consider different forms of abuse and the range of tactics used to exert control within relationships. The fictional family characters provide a safe vehicle to discuss and recognise abusive/non-abusive behaviours focusing on consideration of where the responsibility for the use of controlling and abusive behaviour lies. The session explores the impact an abusive relationship may have on the non-abusive fictional characters health, behaviours beliefs, and emotions. Behaviours exhibited in an equal relationship forms a discussion on which to close the session.   

Session 3 Families 

Considers the impact of an abusive environment on parenting skills and children of varying ages, the use of the fictional family is crucial in this session. The general needs of all children and young people are discussed and noted before, moving on to consider the impact domestic abuse may have on parenting skills. Children’s characters from the fictional family are used to identify the impact of living in an environment where domestic abuse exists, specifically focusing on children’s  health, behaviours, emotions and beliefs. The session concludes with reflection on children’s resilience and practical ways of supporting children who are/have been exposed to domestic abuse. 

Session 4 Why is it hard to leave and safety planning? 

Considers the complex reasons why people find it hard to leave controlling relationships. The fictional family is used to explore the way in which beliefs, assumptions, myths and extended family may contribute to the difficulties faced by those who experience abusive relationships. A case study is used to consider safety planning/legal remedies for staying safe when staying or leaving abusive relationships. 

Session 5 Moving Forward

Considers and reinforces coping strategies for everyday living within and after a controlling relationship. Potential early warning signs in new relationships are considered and how to end a new relationship safely. 

The session re-caps previous sessions from a different view point which helps to embed learning and knowledge, this session provides an opportunity to discuss and recognise service user strengths and consider how far the service user has come. 

Local information/resources for future options and choices to support next steps and specialist support networks are considered. 

Professional Referrals only

Signposting & Resource

All client led

Our resource services are client led. 

Here's a list and not limited to support those facing: 

- Alcohol and drug addiction support

- Mental health support

- Financial difficulty
- Court advocacy 

- Help with food 

- Support for clothing 

- Support for families 

- Women toiletries
- Housing support
- Obtaining benefits if eligible
- Support with visas who are in destitute

We have key partners who we can sign post / refer our clients they include: Gloucestershire Constabulary, Gloucestershire Fire & Rescue Service, LGBTQ Partnership, GayGlos, Translink, AgeUK, GDASS (Gloucestershire Domestic Abuse Support Service), GARAS (Gloucestershire Action for Refugees and Asylum Seekers), CGL - Gloucestershire (Change Grow Live), Independence Trust, Barnwood Trust, District Councils, Gloucester City Homes, P3, GRASAC, CCP, Community Hubs, and a host of 3rd party organisations we've connected with to get further support with Food, Clothes and Furniture to those who may need it.

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Our forms are answered within 48 hours, if you require immediate assistance please dial 999

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